【熱烈報名中】2023北醫生醫加速器 聯合Demo Day 2023/07/29(六)11:30-16:30
2023北醫生醫加速器 聯合Demo Day  2023/07/29(六)12:00-16:30
由北醫生醫加速器與比醫生醫創投、秀傳醫療體系,首次聯合生醫新創Demo Day:TMU x BE x SCHS,總計20組國內外生醫新創團隊登台,其中橫跨SaMD與Medical device 約占68%、Biotech 14%、Health informatics 與 Bio-materials分別為9%。
同場邀請重量級Panel Discussion嘉賓-Stanford biodesign國際貴賓分享兩大主題:Global Innovation Policy in Shaping the Future of Healthcare、Best Practice in Building a Strong National Innovation Ecosystem。
此次DemoDay更與Google Cloud、AstraZeneca: A.Catalyst Network、NEMIC等知名跨國單位合作,將精選國內外優秀團隊,橫跨Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health 和 Medical Device 等多元生醫主題!
無論您是投資者、創業家、海內外產業夥伴還是醫療科技專業人士,這場Demo Day絕對不能錯過!立即按讚追蹤我們的粉絲專頁活動頁面,一同參與這場生醫新創的盛會!
活動名稱:TMU x BE x SCHS Demo Day: The Next HealthTech Frontier Transforming Hospitals
活動地點:南港展覽館1館 401及402會議室(台北市南港區經貿二路1號)

方法二:請到以下連結報名活動,我們將在會前提供您詳盡Demo Day手冊:


活動訊息 . 最新消息 .
【活動消息】AI+ Taipei Startup Pitch Contest
4. AI+ Taipei Startup Pitch Contest.pngAre you ready to take your startup gAre Are you ready to take your startup global and explore the vibrant market in Taiwan?

The AI+ Taipei Startup Pitch Contest offers the perfect platform for international entrepreneurs to pitch their innovative ideas and receive guidance from seasoned mentors and companies. Join us and seize the opportunity to expand your business horizons! ✨
Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcyifFbuUU3933i8w80IPA32vLK-uXE5no52wdTCTPsRB2oA/viewform